SEAL CYPRUS is a non-profit organisation based in Nicosia, the ethnically divided capital of Cyprus. With its work, SEAL CYPRUS tries to overcome the results of the division, and its members are from both ethnic groups.
Its target group consists of young people and youth professionals, all types of learners, adult educators, vocational trainers, social workers, school teachers, and careers advisers. Its work targets people with fewer opportunities (i.e., people who face social barriers, financial barriers, disabilities, learning difficulties, cultural differences, health problems or geographical difficulties), immigrants and refugees.
SEAL CYPRUS is developing educational curricula for short training courses for youth workers and also for Cooperation Partnerships. SEAL CYPRUS starts with a careful needs analysis in every project to address gaps in knowledge, practices, skills, or tools. Their researchers are working following academic standards to gather and analyse insights on contemporary societal issues. SEAL CYPRUS practices Online Education, Blended Learning, and Digital Youth Work, as they love undertaking the digital part of projects and making videos; they are creating Educational Animation to stimulate learning.
ARISTA DEKA LIMITED is a small-medium enterprise in the Republic of Cyprus. ARISTA DEKA was founded in Nicosia in February 2019.
ARISTA DEKA is an expression in Greek indicating Excellence. There was a time when a perfect ten in any field, ranging from gymnastics to Education to business, was thought to be unattainable. In ARISTA DEKA, we believe that Excellence is possible despite or because of how hard it is to be achieved. Excellence is the quality of being truly the best at something.
The purpose of ARISTA DEKA LTD is to provide services of the highest quality to local and international clients, partners, and the society we live in.
ARISTA DEKA has significant experience in European Programmes, especially in the framework of the Erasmus+.

Founded in 2009, INNETICA is a non-profit association (NGO) whose mission is to promote cooperation between entities across Europe to promote European values in accordance with Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union.
Its mission is to promote social innovation projects and develop educational projects and teaching activities.
INNETICA aims to promote sustainable development through initiatives aimed at protecting the environment, promoting European cultural heritage, and integrating migrants.
INNETICA associates university entities, public bodies, companies, and training centres of different countries, as well as intellectuals, professionals and volunteers who contribute their ideas and experiences for the change and improvement of European societies.
INNETICA develops European projects in which social inclusion is a priority, for which it directs its activities to favour groups that have obstacles to their integration. Among these groups to which we direct our efforts are people of immigrant or refugee origin, people belonging to ethnic minorities or those who have difficulties with cultural, physical (elderly) or neurological/intellectual inclusion (e.g. autistic people). Also, young people with economic difficulties or with geographical obstacles when living in rural areas.
IASIS is active in the fields of Social Inclusion, Mental Health, and Education. The organisation is affiliated with the Ministry of Labour, the National Register of Non-Profit Private Sector, and the Special Register of Voluntary Non-Governmental Organizations of the Directorate-General for Welfare.
IASIS has a management competency system certified by the Special Service / Sector for Health and Social Solidarity and is also certified as a VET Center by the National Organisation for Certification, and is also an executive body for the measure of community service. In addition, IASIS has been certified by the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation for the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps.
Finally, IASIS is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs and Education, the European Union, and the annual financial reports are sent to the Court of Auditors and posted to the initiative.
IASIS was founded in 2005. In its 18 years of experience and contribution, people have always been at the centre of projects designed and implemented, with the main objectives of providing psychosocial support, combating the social exclusion of vulnerable groups, the provision of psychological and counselling services, the creation of equal opportunities and new perspectives.

REZOS BRANDS S.A. is an agrifood SME with expertise in superfoods and functional food that was established in 1983 in Patras, Western Greece. The company has adopted the vertical business model “from Farm to Fork”, which includes all the steps from the cultivation to harvesting, research, processing, packaging, warehouse storing, marketing, and distribution of the final products. The Farm to Fork Strategy aims to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly.
Rezos Brand S.A. R&D Department is actively engaged and dedicated to the training of young agriculturists, workers, students, unemployed etc., in an effective, rational, systematic and well-coordinated manner, which will breed a new generation who will develop significant expertise, professional and competitive skills in agriculture and digital-related issues accompanied by environmentally friendly cultivating approaches.
Considering that we are on the threshold of a technological revolution, where companies are now evolving into an in-depth digital world, Rezos Brands has, over the last few years, invested in the development of smart platforms with digital/virtual & augmented technologies, aiming to provide full support on consultation, training, specialized recruitment, and digital services throughout the agri-food value chain.
SGS TECNOS stands as a global leader in inspection, verification, testing, certification, and regulation, renowned for its commitment to quality and integrity. Additionally, it is a recognised training company with extensive experience in safety and well-being at work. Established in Spain in 1929, the company has grown significantly, currently employing over 4,100 professionals within the SGS Spain Group, with a network of more than 136 offices and laboratories across all Autonomous Communities.
Diversifying its activities over time, SGS has ventured into areas such as the environment, occupational risk prevention, quality assurance, training, health, and more. Leveraging the technical expertise of its different business areas, since 2005, the company has actively participated in national and international projects, assuming roles both as coordinators and partners, showcasing versatility and fostering innovation.